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Welcome to Powerful Intentions!

Powerful Intentions is a unique, online community of people from all walks of life who possess three very important and focused qualities.

Those qualities are:

You believe in the Power of Intentions And The Law Of Attraction And You Are Enthusiastically "Attracted" to be here By Inspired Action!

The P.I. Team's Powerful Intended Result is to:

Create the most fertile community in the world for people to manifest their Intentions!

People who join P.I. are "set up" to BE Successful.

Brilliance, Fun, Luck, Joy and Ease can't help but rub off on them to positively raise their vibration!

Unlimited numbers of the "right" people attracted to P.I., collectively co-creating the most abundant and brilliant ideas, actions and manifestations that have ever been experienced on this planet!

AND we are Happy, Connected, and Abundant, with Brilliance, Simplicity and Ease!!!!!

It's a DONE DEAL and it sticks No MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!



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    The Mystery posted a status
    flower girl left a comment on Changing Physical Appearance
    "I have tried to join but it will not except any username. Every user name i try it says its taken even arse lool."
    Rika Riko replied to Evelyn Black's discussion A Revelation in Changing Physical Appearance
    "do you have reddit account? I rarely check here. Can we talk? I've been trying to change it since 2016. I don't know what to do. I am still the same physical 4 years ago:("
    Rika Riko ins加速器苹果 to Yusuke Urameshi's discussion Body Change in Changing Physical Appearance
    "I know one of these actors. Look up Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan. I think the first picture is Aamir Khan when he was young. The guy who flips his hair is Shah Rukh Khan, the rest is I don't know."
    Rika Riko replied to Ivan's discussion Nose change - before/after photos. in Changing Physical Appearance
    "I am new member since 2018 I guess. Time flies fast. I have joined your reddit group r/attractingbeauty. Perhaps, we can talk there?"
    Rika Riko replied to ins加速器苹果's discussion Nose change - before/after photos. in Changing Physical Appearance
    "To be honest, I rarely came here. Just passing by once in a while. I am looking for an old member to say hello and brings hope."
    Rika Riko replied to ins加速器苹果's discussion 4K Stogram(Instagram下载器) v2.6.14 绿色版_系统之家:2021-4-23 · 4K Stogram是一款专门用于下载Instagram图片的Instagram图片下载器,你可以通过该软件来根据用户名来订阅摄影师、帖子、标签或地点,之后就可以自动获取有关该用户的最新照片,同时由该软件下载的图片还会在其元数据中下载包含评论和标签等 ... in Changing Physical Appearance
    "What is the group name in FB?"
    Sameer updated their profile
    Dragon, Maudy Helvin, Sarah Collins and 1 more joined Powerful Intentions. A Law of Attraction Community
    instagram苹果免费永久加速器 浏览外网的免费加速器
    Michelle Yu, Lazarous Kamoso and Dulcie Virgen joined Powerful Intentions. A Law of Attraction Community
    浏览外网的免费加速器 instagram如何国内使用 浏览外网的免费加速器
    Kip Mazuy posted a status
    Learn to feel Divine Presence as Infinite Joy http://youtu.be/63a2Fv7Vhx8 Knowledge and understanding is good to a degree, but it is there only to point to something deeper. This video is about awakening the deeper. Hope you enjoy it ❤
    C, Bèla Domsitz, ins加速器苹果 and 9 more joined Powerful Intentions. A Law of Attraction Community
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    Jul 29
    ArtistLaura updated their profile
    Jul 27
    Celine updated their profile
    Jul 26
    Matt and Scorpie are now friends
    Jul 26
    ins加速器苹果 and Joe D. are now friends

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    Welcome All Powerful Intention Members!.

    Powerful Intentions is a unique, online community of people from all walks of life who possess three very important and focused qualities.

    Those qualities are:

    You believe in the Power of Intentions And The Law Of Attraction And You Are Enthusiastically "Attracted" to be here By Inspired Action!

    The P.I. Team's Powerful Intended Result is to:

    Create the most fertile community in the world for people to manifest their Intentions!

    People who join P.I. are "set up" to BE Successful.

    Brilliance, Fun, Luck, Joy and Ease can't help but rub off on them to positively raise their vibration!

    Unlimited numbers of the "right" people attracted to P.I., collectively co-creating the most abundant and brilliant ideas, actions and manifestations that have ever been experienced on this planet!

    AND we are Happy, Connected, and Abundant, with Brilliance, Simplicity and Ease!!!!!

    It's a DONE DEAL and it sticks No MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!

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    Join our advertising group and learn about placing ads on Powerful Intentions and the rates.