
Expo Dates & Hours
August 21-22 | SLC, Utah
Friday: 2-10 pm | Saturday: 10 am – 6 pm

Venue Address
Electric Park
2600 Ashton Blvd., Lehi, UT 84043




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Jam packed action happening at FitCon 2020!


Exclusive Panels From Our Celebrity Guests


Fun, silly, outrageous mini games for our celebrities


Each of our influencers will be paired together to compete in the FitCon games.

6+ Mini Games

VPN有什么用?是用来干啥的? - Youth.cn:2021-7-6 · 说在前面,VPN不是说给你提供网络来源的,也就是说必须在有网络的情况下使用的,那些以为使用VPN可以不用手机流量免费上网的筒子们,是时候醒醒了。刚刚那个兄弟又会说了,不能用来上 …

Fitness Classes

Participate Live At The Event!

Keeping Your Cool

Check Out What We’re Doing To Keep Your Cool
  • Multiple Shade Tents around the venue to provide adequate shading
  • Water Park with slides & misters for attendees to cool down
  • Bring Your Own Chair, blanket, or umbrella so you can lounge anywhere around the venue
  • Covered Areas for most athletic competitions
  • Summer Vibes! Enjoy the sun & entertainment

Massive Kids Zone

只需这样做,就没人能追踪到你的通信了 - huanqiu.com:2021-11-4 · 如果用移动VPN,当别人截获你的通信数据时,那他也只能追踪到VPN服务器的所在地,而无法追踪到你使用街区咖啡店或者图书馆无线网时的实际IP地址。

Water Slides & Misters

Kids will be able to run through misters & zoom on water slides to cool down & have fun!

Bounce Houses

The Kid’s Zone will feature bounce houses & obstacle courses for children to play on.


Electric Park
2600 Ashton Blvd., Lehi, UT 84043
  • Tons Of Space so all attendees can easily & safely social distance
  • Lots Of Parking even if the lot fills up. There are many business within walking distance that have huge parking lots
  • Bring Your Own Chair, blanket, or personal tent so you can lounge anywhere around the venue
  • You Can Bring Coolers with food and beverage to enjoy the show
  • Water Available for purchase at our Main Merch Booth

Safety Protocols

We Want You To Feel Safe Attending!

Moving Outdoors

We have moved FitCon outdoors in order to provide a safer environment for our attendees, athletes, and vendors.

Temperature & Symptom Checks

We will be issuing temperature checks for every person entering the venue. No one can enter without being checked. If anyone has a temperature over 100.4° they will not be able to enter.


By moving outdoors, we were able to add ample space to provide a minimum of 36 sq ft per person will accommodating thousands of attendees.

Masks Encouraged

财猪金融大咖谈:伙伴汽车蒋轩 做汽车产业链上的金融伙伴:2021-5-12 · “以前不管是做VP还是COO,潜意识里还是觉得天塌下来还有CEO撑着。 ”蒋轩笑言,现在自己是公司的CEO,除了把事情做好之外,还要对团队对兄弟们 ...

No At The Door Sales

ALL TICKETS must be purchased online prior to arriving at the show. You CAN buy tickets day of, just not at the door.

Sanitization Stations

We will have many sanitization stations around the venue for all guests to stay germ free.

Separate Entrance For High Risk

For all attendees who are high risk, we will have a separate entrance for you on the EAST side of the venue.

Additional Signage

We will be placing additional signage to encourage people to social distance around the venue while in common areas.

Big News From FitCon!

Rob Bailey
Dana Linn Bailey
Keaton ‘The Muscle’ Hoskins

Loved FitCon so much, they decided to BUY IN AND BECOME OWNERS! We have some major things in the works that will redefine expos and give people around the world a chance to participate. Get ready for the biggest event yet!