
The web page you were asking for is currently offline due to either an unexpected error or web site maintenance. Please come back in a 1/2 hour. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Our staff has been notified of this error via email.

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Some issues that you encounter with your Record Information Services account can be solved by changing your browser settings, refreshing the page, or clearing the browser cache and cookies.


Some browser issues may be caused by the browser itself. For optimal viewing and security we recommend that you keep your browser up to date. You'll find a list of the latest browsers at Browse Happy.

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Ensure Your Browser is Current

We recommend that you use either Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for optimal performance with Record Information Services.
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A force refresh or reload will cause the browser to re-check with the web server to make sure it has the latest copy of the web page you are viewing. Here are keyboard shortcuts for force refreshing your browser:

  • Windows: Ctrl + F5
  • Mac/Apple: Apple + R or Cmd + R
  • Linux: F5


If you are experiencing problems displaying Record Information Services pages, clearing the browser cache is a good first step to try to resolve the issue.

Each time you access a web page, your web browser stores a temporary copy of the files needed to display the web page to you. Those temporary files are called the browser cache. If your cache is not updating properly or if it's stuck, you could be viewing an older version of some of the supporting files that run Record Information Services. If you clear the cache, this will force your browser to fetch all of the files for a website again, so you will see the most recent version of the page.

Instructions for clearing your browser cache will be different for each browser and version.

Note: It is also possible for your Internet Service Provider to create a cache at the network level. This means that instead of viewing the Record Information Services web servers for some files, the ISP has created a cache to store files on their network to try to reduce bandwidth costs and also to make loading some web pages faster. If a network-side cache is causing you trouble, you most likely just need to wait for it to clear out on its own.


Record Information services requires the use of browser cookies in order for our site to work properly. If you have trouble with some sections of your site, you may wish to check to make sure you have cookies enabled.

If you can't clear out your username/password from showing up in the browser when you try to log in, you may need to clear your cookies.